Do You Have Your Ascension Buddy?

8:56 PM Posted by Ascending Hearts

Remember the Buddy System?

Back when I was a child, nothing was more fun in the summer than to go to the pool, or the lake, or the ocean - anywhere you could swim on a hot summer day. Whenever we went, my Mom would always make sure that my best friend could come with us. Invariably, just before we ran off to dive in, my Mom would yell, "Remember the Buddy System!"

The Buddy System. The idea is that since water can be dangerous, you needed a "buddy" who would look out for you while you looked out for them and, as a result, the pair of you would be safer than if each were swimming alone.

(This did not mean that a pair of children could not get into more mischief than one alone, but at least we were safer while doing it…)

As I grew older and reached new stages in life, I started to realize that it was more than just companionship in what I was pursuing as an ideal relationship. I needed a "buddy", a special someone that would understand not only my physical and emotional needs, but my spiritual needs. I realized that what I was looking for was an Ascension Buddy. I found out that the Buddy System was the best way to approach life (and afterlife) in general.

Of course, this led me to back to the starting point. Now what? After years of looking around, I was starting to wonder where I could go to find this elusive type of partner. You have to understand that this was actually a serious situation for me, because I had always believed in the "fairy tale" of the perfect Soulmate who was just supposed to magically show up in my life.

Well, it hadn't just happened. I know you attract the frequency you send out, but my Soulmate and I just hadn't connected yet. I knew that the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with would not be someone I would probably meet in a singles bar and the regular dating sites proved no better. The truth is that once you start onto the spiritual path, you feel compelled to continue going, but it can be a lonely because Nature always creates in pairs and we know that Humans are not really meant to be alone. We all have our divine counterpart, but where was I to find her?

I am a believer in love and while I believe that opposites can attract on the physical level, I also believe that the spiritual level is defined through resonance and alignment of frequencies. We tend to be attracted to people that we identify ourselves with. I wasn't looking for someone who would complete something I was missing; I was looking for someone who matched the best part of me: my Soulmate, a partner for lifetimes.

I was stuck. I had found relationships, but they didn't have the spiritual element that I needed. I wanted someone that could understand my daily meditation rituals, my passion for Oneness and my thirst for Life. I needed someone that would share the Path this life, and maybe other existences together, that could work side by side with me for the greater good of all, and not just be there for long walks on the beach and pina coladas (although I wanted that too).

I needed an Ascension Buddy.

I started looking for a place out there where I could find someone that would connect at the spiritual level as well as at a physical level.

My search ended when I finally realized that I did not needed to look around in an endless search for my other half; I just needed to give the Universe a chance to let it happen into my life. This was made possible not only by being at the right place at the right time, but by looking among people with similar interests and a spiritual life path.

It was simply a matter of engineering synchronicity. Think of it this way: if you are a fisherman, would you have a better chance at catching a certain type of fish by throwing your lure in any old river, or in a pond stocked with the type of fish you wanted?

I was fortunate. I found my Soulmate and based on our similar experiences of frustration in searching for a spiritual partner in the vast sea of people out there, we created a dating site dedicated to helping spiritual singles connect with their Divine Complement: Ascending Hearts.

Our motto says it all: Where two Ascending Hearts become One.

Do YOU have your Ascension Buddy?

If not, try fishing in our pond.
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