"Love Stones": Intimacy and Garnet

5:59 PM Posted by Ascending Hearts

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"Love Stones": Intimacy and Garnet

Intimacy is feeling close and connected to someone (developed through
sharing and very good communications over time). Intimacy is what
makes you want to share and offer emotional and material support to
each other. Intimacy implies the desire to strengthen our moral
character in a relationship. It allows us to find and keep, as well
as show our best side to others.

This stone symbolizes faith, love, devotion and trust. Garnet is most
famous for balancing our emotional states. Therefore, garnet is one
of the best stones for soothing emotional stress and balancing out
anger that is held in and not expressed. Therefore, garnet is good
for those who have anger issues directed to themselves, NOT for those
who spew anger like venom or attack others with their anger (think
orange or yellow stones for this condition)!

Garnet is a stone of passion. It is given as a gift of love's
attraction, a gift of estranged love or a gift of quick return. Red
represent love and helps the aspirant to strive for improvement in
moral conduct. When Garnet is used in conjunction with the pituitary
gland, can help provide past-life information. Should be placed on
the center of the forehead. If carried around in the pocket and then
placed on the forehead of another person, closer ties will form with
that individual. Garnet is a stone of commitment.

Garnet has been used for protection against the perils of travel. It
encourages a strength and therefore, personal power, which increases
success, a victorious attitude and sparks the energies of creativity
through our kundalini starting at the base of the Root Chakra.
Garnet's emotional connection makes it most effective when placed at
the 2nd or Sacral/Spleen Chakra. Known to balance out sexual energy
by both increasing libido or decreasing sexual addiction. Garnet is
known in Indian mythology for persistence, stamina and energizing the
Kundalini fire (our fire of eternal metamorphosis).

Garnet is a good stone to have around for emotional drama, traumatic
crisis or when you feel backed into a corner with no way out. Garnet
will show you the way out. It is the perfect stone for clearing the
Emotional Layer of the Aura. Utilize its strong support energy.
Anyone dealing with depression, should always carry a piece of garnet
with them as it encourages feelings of joy, hope and will power. Its
fiery color drives away fatigue and stimulates the imagination.

Folk Remedies: Emotional states are connected to the water element,
which are connected to the cycles of the moon and tides and
therefore, has a strong relationship to a women's menstrual cycle.
Therefore, garnet works well with blood issues. It was believed to be
helpful with problems of poor blood circulation and strengthens the
heart both in a physical manner and metaphysical approach. Garnet
warms and energizes physically (and emotionally) when treating
arthritis, frostbite, paralysis and is a good grounding stone. It is
a remedy stone for exhaustion, low blood pressure, detoxing and
strengthening blood, muscles, kidneys, gallstones. Stimulates life
force and sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility, and
brings vitality during the catabolic process. Hidegard Von Bingen
prescribed garnet to strengthen the heart. Avoid if excess anger,
impatience, high blood pressure, heat, or inflammation. Used for the
assimilation of vitamins and minerals.

Feng Shui: Garnet should be used in the Northwest corner for travel
or in the Center area for grounding, balance, good health,
spirituality and protection, in the North for personal journeys,
victory and success, and in the Southwest for partnership (always use
two stones here).

Crystal Cleansing: This stone can be cleansed and discharged of
negative energy every month (after the menstrual cycle is complete
for women) or at the full or new moon. Cleanse this stone by running
it under warm water and charging it over night on a crystal cluster,
preferably quartz, in a bowl of tumbled hematite or most beneficial
is allowing it to be cleansed by the light of the full moon for 24-48
hours. Garnet can be charged beautifully in the sun for a day.

History: Garnet, K (SiO4)3 + another metal, this stone ranges in
color from deep emerald green through yellow, brown, and red
(interestingly enough, never blue). They each have a different name
according to color. (See below). Common to the US, but found all over
the world. Garnet comes from the latin word "granum" meaning grain or
seed-like. This name was derived from the tiny little seed like
stones resembling pomegranate seeds, often made into jewelry. Dating
as far back as the 3100 B.C.E. in Egypt where garnet was crafted into
beautiful jewelry and beads for clothing, crowns and dinnerware. In
the bible, garnet is mentioned as one of the 12 stones in the
Breastplate of Aaron. It was believed to be used by Noah, crafted
into a lantern, which lead the ark through long, dark nights. The
ancient Greeks used garnet in its red form and the Persians
considered it the "royal stone" carving the faces of their kings in
the stone. Garnet was considered a traveler's stone, warning anyone
who carried the stone of danger unseen.

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit
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